The Right Feeder For Hummingbird Joy

Hi there, birders! Today's another fantastic day to fill our hearts with the joy that our feathered friends bring.

If you haven’t already, follow us on Facebook for beautiful bird photos, tips on how to attract more birds to your yard, and much more!

Stories Of The Day:

Story Of The Day

Lucy the Labrador had never been much of a bird dog, but when a scrappy little hummingbird started visiting the backyard feeder, she found herself entranced. The hummingbird, which she affectionately named "Buzz", seemed to enjoy the company, often fluttering down to inspect Lucy's nose with daring curiosity.

One day, while Lucy snoozed in the sun, Buzz took a chance and landed atop the dog's head, resting there like a living tiara. Lucy woke up, felt the weight, and gave a gentle wag.

The garden erupted with laughter as the family watched the world's most unexpected friendship blossom. It was a reminder that sometimes, the smallest of creatures can bring the greatest of joys.

Feathered Faves

Quote Of The Day

You can cut all the flowers, but you can’t keep spring from coming.

- Pablo Neruda

Until Next Time…

Keep your spirits high and your binoculars ready!

- Wild Bird Scoop Team